We provide substantive support in the preparation of research
and analysis of results, as well as logistic support for experimental proceduresin vivo and clinical veterinary research.
We perform laboratory analyzes of biological material and animal body fluids in the following areas:
• Peripheral blood count
• Peripheral blood cytology
• Bone marrow cytopathology with myelogram.
• Coagulology
• Clinical blood biochemistry
• Clinical biochemistry and assessment of urinary sediment
• Biochemistry and cytology of cerebrospinal fluid, fluid from body cavities and synovial fluid
• Microbiology and mycology with MALDI-TOF identification and antibiogram
• Parasitological diagnostics – microscopic and coproscopic
• Serological diagnosis of infectious diseases – ELISA/IFA
• Molecular diagnostics of infectious diseases – PCR/Biomark HD
Toxicological analyses:
We also perform pharmaco- and toxicokinetics determinations using chromatography and mass spectrometry methods in HPLC, LC-MS, GC-MS and many other systems. We have optimized marking methods:
Micro- and macro-elements
Heavy metals
Drugs in monitored therapy (chemotherapeutics, anti-inflammatory and cardiac drugs)
We also have the ability to optimize methodsde novosubstances selected by our clients.